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the heart cleanse

To be happy, healthy and alive it starts with the heart. 

Ignite your journey toward health, happiness, and beauty from the inside-out.

Start with The Heart Cleanse of your heart and watch the highest potential unfold. 

Does this sound like you?

  • You want more energy, calm, and joy in your life, but all this self-care you’re apparently supposed to do takes time, effort, and energy that you don’t have. 

  • You feel stuck in a state of sluggishness or depression.

  • Communicating with others feels difficult and complicated.

  • Life seems overwhelming and going too fast.


When emotional balance is restored, everything is possible. 

Free yourself from the destructive effects of stress and trapped emotional baggage so that you can live with resilience, energy, and happiness. Soon, you’ll reclaim your natural supply of:

  • Energy and well-being.

  • Better judgment and intuition.

  • Awareness of what’s important to you.

  • Confidence to take big action and make positive changes in your life.

  • Stronger, loving relationships with your family, friends, and life in general.



This transformation into your best, most beautiful self can begin to unfold after just one session. Over the course of our time together, you will be provided with four stages of growth and healing:













You’ll become more capable of making the right decisions for your health, happiness, and success. Sessions will show you the small changes that will have the most profound impact on your life. Get guidance on key areas like…


  • Vital nutrients you need for more energy and balance.

  • Specific toxin buildups in the body and how to cleanse them.

  • Self-sabotaging behavior patterns and how you can change them.


Perhaps the most important aspect of any healing journey is the realization that you’re the one most capable of transforming yourself. When you clear imbalances, you also clear the mental noise they produce. You’ll become more finely-tuned to what you really need and start putting your energy into what will create your most fulfilling life.



The energetic barriers around your heart are released. This brings more ease, calm and joy to your life, while opening you up to deeper healing.


We identify and turn down the volume on your loudest problems. The process unwinds the stressors at the root of these problems, releasing their grip on your health and wellbeing. This is a stage where many people say they feel more grounded, alive and capable.

the heart cleanse
When emotional balance is restored, everything is possible.

Phone | FaceTime | Zoom | Email 

55 mins | single session $185


  • Why is our heart so important?
    Your heart is your second brain. It's the source of the feelings you have, the decisions you make, and your sense of what is right and true. But it’s a delicate space. And, over the years, it’s built up defenses in response to the stress and emotional pain that we’ve experienced throughout our lives. The heart believes it needs these energetic barriers to protect itself from further harm, but they are also what holds us back from health and happiness. At difficult times in your lives, the pain you are going through can feel like it is too much to bear. The heart has its own way of protecting itself from experiencing too much of the pain. It randomly appropriates the energy of some of these trapped emotions and uses it to build an energetic “wall” around itself. ​ This does the job of protecting itself at that time, but once up, it stays up, and also “protects” us from truly giving and receiving love. It blocks the positive as well as the negative and prevents us from living according to who we truly are. By releasing trapped heart wall emotions you give your heart permission to relax, breathe and let the world back in. Imagine your heart is like a house. Some of the rooms get messy or damaged so it shuts off the lights and locks the doors. You no longer need to deal with these rooms, but you’re also cut off from accessing them. Over the years, the house of your heart space has been shutting down like this, room by room. But what if you could open the doors, turn on the lights and clean out the junk from these abandoned spaces within you? Imagine the new experiences and possibilities this opens up to your life.
  • What does each Inner Beauty Healing Session involve?
    Each session takes just 20 minutes of your time. It can be done in person or remotely as a distance proxy assessment - no scheduled appointment is required. After booking your spot, and submitting some quick information, your healing can begin without you even needing to be present. This type of session is preferred by my overseas clients who have a significant difference in time zone and/or a language barrier, and also by my clients all over the world who have busy or demanding schedules. Everything done over email with no telephone appointment involved. Convenient!
  • How many sessions will I need?
    A Heart-Wall session generally takes between two to four sessions to truly clear the body’s stuck emotions. You will receive a written emailed report at the end of your phone session, detailing exactly what was done.
  • How does the Emotion + Body Code system work?
    From minor difficulties to terrible traumas, every painful experience you’ve had from early infancy remains imprinted on the body. The subconscious mind (the “silent leader” of your life) stores these memories and guides your decisions, behaviors, and belief systems without you even knowing it. This is why going through our daily lives sometimes feels like we’re trying to navigate a room in pitch darkness, bumping into furniture and thinking “Ow! Where did that come from?” Well, imagine cracking a window and letting a little bit of light in - now you can see a little better and perhaps prevent some of those painful collisions. What if you could then get the window all the way open and then have a full view of the room’s layout? What if you could then start rearranging furniture in the room, tailoring it to your needs. The transformative process of the Emotion + Body Code helps create that awareness, healing, and empowerment. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck or burnt out, this could be the result of experiences going all the way back to childhood causing energetic knots that still need to be untangled. Any problems with health and physical pain are also the sum of these experiences. After all, your organs are energetic machines, and subtle imbalances in their circuitry can throw your body’s entire system off, resulting in anything from brain fog to insomnia. Rather than treating the symptoms of these problems (as many medical systems do), the Emotion + Body Code process gets to the root cause of the issue so you can be restored to your natural state of health and vitality. Each session can be done in person or remotely and takes just 20 minutes of your time. It looks at six different areas of need, all detailed in your customized Emotion + Body Code report. They include: Energies: Circuitry Toxicity Pathogens Structure Nutrition ​ Since these stuck emotions and imbalances live in the subconscious mind, you might be wondering how they can actually be seen, let alone released. But the subconscious can actually be communicated by using muscle testing. The Emotion + Body Code process asks carefully-tuned questions and observes the physical response, letting the body tell us exactly the kind of healing you need. Special] magnets are then used to tap into your body’s energy meridians, untangle knots we discover, and rebalance your energetic harmony. Though your Emotion + Body Code sessions can even be done while you’re sleeping halfway across the world, you can opt to be present for it. Afterwards you’ll be consulted on what was discovered - live or via recording - and the next steps you can take to amplify your healing/transformation] process.
  • What are Bach Flower Remedies?
    The original Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach from 1920 – 1930’s in England. The remedies gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole allowing peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself. The Bach Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family including pets.
inner beauty intake-form 

Please fill out before your appointment.

inner beauty resources

Self-empowerment requires self-care. Below are simple and easy practices that you can begin introducing into your day to multiply the power of your healing / transformational] journey.

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Disclaimer: Releasing Trapped Emotions using The Emotion + Body Code or any other type of energy healing practiced by Pamela Bond whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information given to you is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship.

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